Watch all of our great content from IHD 2023. We’ve provided videos from both days of the symposium, so you can experience the same content flow as during the event. You can pick and choose from any of the videos, or watch your favorites on repeat! Just like our 2023 IHD, the adventure is yours.
Translational Challenges in the Implementation of an Enterprise-Wide Precision Medicine Initiative
Next Generation HIE
Electronic Prior Authorization: Da Vinci Burden Reduction Implementation Guide
Low-code Development with Smile Digital Health
Getting Real Change from Artificial Intelligence
Streamlined Data Ingestion and HIE Integration
Overview of the Shared pan-Canadian Interoperability Roadmap
CQL Deep Dive
International Patient Summary: Current state and API
Utilizing Smile MDM
Intelligent Health Care On FHIR
Pathology and Digital Transformation
Closing Keynote: Safely caring for those in need; building Ontario’s Learning Health System
Speakers: Ben Cushing, Red Hat
Dr. Ryan Vega, Vantiq
Bryn Rhodes, Smile Digital Health
Robyn Berridge, Smile Digital Health
Opening Keynote - Large Language Models in Healthcare
Bryan Tripp, University of Waterloo
Karina Guy, Accenture
Wearables on FHIR: How Best to Represent Time-Series Data in the FHIR Standard
National Compliance & FHIR Conformance
May Quarterly Product Release
Suicide Early Warning System
Communicating Complex Technical Functionality Using a UI
Amazon HealthLake: Enabling analytics on your health data
The Virtuous Cycle - Using AI, ML and other Tools to Improve your Data over Time
Closing Keynote: Beyond data collection, Scaling the Internet of Health
Speakers: Duncan Weatherston, Smile Digital Health
Sime Pavlovic, Deloitte